The Dreamlike Power of Hitchcock’s Iconic Redwoods Scene

Here I was born, and there I died. It was only a moment for you; you took no notice.  

These immortal words reflect the cyclical nature of life, destiny, and finding meaning in it all, visibly shown with rings in a tree. They also capture the essence of some truly iconic scenes in cinema history, which I’ll be breaking down today.

The scene in question is the mystical, fog-veiled visit to Muir Woods in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. In this hypnotic sequence which is referenced in other films like 12 Monkies, Scottie (Jimmy Stewart) takes the enigmatic Madeleine (Kim Novak) to the towering redwoods after her disturbing suicide attempt. Amongst the ancient trees, their relationship deepens in the tranquility of nature, far removed from the dizzying suspense and intrigue of San Francisco.

With the shafts of light piercing through the canopy and disquieting music swelling, the scene attains a dreamlike quality. The grandeur of the setting and Scottie’s upward gaze reinforce the symbols of vertigo and acrophobia. Most importantly, this pause in the drama allows us intimate insights into Scottie’s psyche through his recounting of the debilitating accident that caused his fear of heights.

It provides a peaceful, reflective setting in contrast to the tension and suspense of the main plot. After Madeleine’s supposed suicide attempt, Scottie takes her to the serene forest to recover. This gives their relationship a chance to deepen.  Although, as you’ll note she quickly references death.

The scene reinforces the eerie, dizzying feelings associated with vertigo and Scottie’s acrophobia. The high redwood trees and Scottie’s look upwards increase the sense of heights and vertigo.  Hitchcock never stops torturing Scottie.

Few words say so much. Scottie reveals more about himself and his past. His story about his rooftop chase and subsequent acrophobia helps explain his psyche and fears.  Madeleine’s defenses have been up but this eases her fears.  Increasing the romantic mood between Scottie and Madeleine, culminating in their kiss in the forest. This shows their relationship developing.

In my eyes, this scene encapsulates the entire mood and themes of the film. It is a perfectly distilled, hauntingly beautiful interlude that draws us further into Scottie’s obsessive spiral and the mysteries of Madeleine.

Yet despite the romantic escalation amidst the misty redwoods, the connection between Scottie and Madeleine remained confined to that mystical forest. Once they return to San Francisco, they are consumed again by dizzying vertigo and deception of identity.  They are only true in the dreams. While the Muir Woods interlude served as a glimpse into Scottie’s yearning and Madeleine’s allure, its dreamlike perfection could not survive the harsh realities waiting outside the woods.

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