Well hell. It’s been a while but in the words of the king. Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t going away. I’m not sure what truth he was talking about, but I have some to share.
So while I’ve been away in the months, google found this blog, and now there are a few people with some odd beliefs about Vermont. I hope to add some more totally fake but realistically weird Vermont tales soon.
So since I’ve last written my blog, the following has happened.
- I’m two drafts into my next book, an 80k word YA book tentatively titled “Stay Woke”. The third draft will take the longest. I hope to have it completed by June 1
- Speaking of June 1st. It was last year, on June 1st, I decided to commit to fitness and adopted a powerlifting/bodybuilding routine I can do in the garage. I just workout every day. Not concerning myself with what days I should and shouldn’t workout has made it much easier to just do something every day. Not every session leaves me on the floor in a puddle of sweat but progress has been made and stronger than I’ve ever been. Since June, I’ve worked out all but 14 days.
- Speaking for 14. I’ve also only drunk about 14 beers over that time which has helped with the fat. Turns out I love the first two sips of beer. After that, it’s just habit. Kinda like cheesecake.
- Speaking of cheesecake, I’ve been doing the Hello Fresh meal kit thing. It’s been a huge help but also a big hit to the wallet.
- Speaking of Wallets. I got a new job—my first office job in 14 years. Kinda on the fence about that. As a media specialist for the National Guard, I’m helping families and veterans connect. I get to work on a military base which is pretty cool, according to my kids.
- Speaking of Kids. I went back to school. I’m taking grad courses on Sustainable Enterprise at UVM. Right now, I’m immersed in a super interesting class focused on marketing products to the poorest people for the mutual benefit of everyone.
- Speaking of Benefits. I’ve been investing in a new fund at Vanguard.
- Speaking of investments, I’ve been investing in my well-being with mindfulness meditations and added a therapist who helps guide me with audio directions.
- Speaking of audio, I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks. I use the Libby app; while the selection isn’t as good as Audible, it’s free, and there’s plenty to choose from. For 2021 I’ve decided to only listen to books written by Persons of Color and in the LGBT community. I’m about 8 books in.
- Speaking of books. I’m writing a YA Novel called “Stay Woke.”
So I’ll be back to write more on all of the above. I kinda a weird guy, I think once I start writing stuff down. For the first time in more than a decade, I went to the doctors, worked with my kids on their studies, and played with my border collie and our new corgi Meko.

Christopher lives in Vermont with his wife, twin boys, border collie and corgi. He has owned a film production company, sold slot machines, and worked for Tony Robbins. He writes in his magical tiny house and sometimes writes in his blog at chrisrodgers.blog
Visit his author’s page.