Stay home. Flatten the curve and watch these underrated/ under-appreciated gems for subscribers to Netflix and Amazon. There’s an argument to be made that Amazon Prime and Netflix are all you really need to get through a pandemic.
ZERO ZERO ZERO – This my favorite find of the spring. Amazon’s answer to Narcos is better than Narcos.
Hail Ceasar – Now Streaming on Netflix. This is not one of the Coen Brother’s more popular films but I happen to love it. Watch this scene.
Haywire – Underrated Soderbergh film about a security expert working for the government is streaming on Netflix.
Frances Ha – Maybe you need to be a New Yorker or enjoy talky films to love this film but all the performances are top-notch; most notably Greta Gerwig. Steaming on Netflix
The Cooler – True fact. Maria Bello worked at a seaside ice cream stand where I used to go in the summers. This movie, also starting William H. Macy is equal parts funny, dramatic and heartbreaking. Streaming on Amazon
The Conversation – The movie Coppola made between the Godfathers starring Gene Hackman is one of my favorites. Steaming on Amazon Prime.
Tales from the Loop – Also streaming on Amazon Prime is their original series about a strange town in Ohio during the 1980s built around a physics-defying company. It’s really more about human interaction than the science fiction backdrop. Based on the artwork of Simon Stalenhag who you is someone you need to spend time with.
3 Day of a Condor – Born the same year as me. I’ve seen this Redford, Dunaway film many times and it holds up. Pair it with The Conversation and you will have a double feature that will make you forget you can’t go outside.
Killing them Softly – I thought I’d love this movie more but it’s worth the watch for the Brad Pitt and James Gandolfini scenes. It’s a crime film set in Detroit with a soundtrack of political speeches of 2008.
Bloodline – (Season 1) I dropped out in Season 2 mostly for being unnecessary but the first season stands on its own as one of Netflix’s best shows that were missed by most, even though it’s cast is nearly perfect.

Christopher lives in Vermont with his wife, twin boys, border collie and corgi. He has owned a film production company, sold slot machines, and worked for Tony Robbins. He writes in his magical tiny house and sometimes writes in his blog at
Visit his author’s page.