Oh Crap, We’re now HomeSchooling! Resources for Organized Learning anyone can use.

So the sudden homeschool situation most parents across the US are dealing with may seem like a bizarre experiment.  Kids are better at school than we are and probably have a better attention span.  While teachers put together plans for their students it may seem like us parents are adrift in a sea of wtf but it’s not that bad.

Imagine this happening in 2002 or 1982? Our parent’s generation didn’t have the resources, so if we were stuck at home for a month, it would have been 30 days of Garfield comics and Price is Right.

Kids can’t get away with that today. There are plenty of companies ready to make sure you’re kids don’t take two steps back while we’re social distancing and toilet paper hoarding. I’ve put together some of my favorites sites and apps, as well as many I’ve only learned about in the last day. I’ll keep this updated with new ones including history and geography sites which I always feel gets short shrift in today’s schools and by me apparently.

Any ones you like but we missed?  Be sure to comment and let us know.

*updated links 3/24


ABC Mouse  –  This is the perfect time to test the site on a 30-day free trial.  If this quarantine goes more than 30 you’ll need to pay up.
*Bedtime Math – Web and App based math activities
Dreambox – Adapted math programs.  Adapted is the keyword and necessary to increase achievement or something.
Gfletchy – Interesting approach to math with 3 act tasks with video and download sheets.  I feel like this is ideal for small groups or homeschool situations.
Khan Academy  – Khan has great math for younger kids but really shines middle school and an up.
*NASA Learn – Off-Screen activities for kids made by NASA
NeoK12  – Lots of videos and games but not video games
Prodigy – How to get a kid to do 50 math questions in an hour without batting an eye.

Social Science

*Brain Pop – School approved learning app
dkfindout–  You likely have some DK books at home or have taken a few out at the library.  This is the interactive version.
*Playmeo – Group Based Organized Activities
Ted-Ed –  Education videos expertly animated presented in an understandable and addicting way


Anton Petrov – Fun Space Videos
asapSCIENCE – An youtube channel that answers the most pressing science questions in an entertaining way.
Astrum – Well-produced videos answering questions about space
Because Science – High energy host usually talking about less serious science subjects like superheroes
Mystery Doug – Popular at our kid’s school, Doug answers questions kids ask
*Mystery Science – Science teacher-approved w/free lessons
Nat Geo Kids – Home of Weird by True shorts
NeoK12 – Created for teachers there are lots of videos, presentations, and quizzes so you can measure progress
Neuroscience for Kids – PName says it all and it turns out neuroscience isn’t that hard after all.
PBS It’s Ok to be Smart – snackable science channel on youtube.
PBS SpaceTime – Space youtube channel for kids ready to graduate to the next level.
*San Diego Zoo – Lots of live cameras.
SciShow – Questions answers like you were a five year old.


EPIC (Free Trial) – Lots of books.  There is a subscription cost, but we’re testing out the free trial.
k12 Reader  – For the teachers and parents.  Do you wonder where your kid’s worksheets come from?  It’s likely from here.
Libby app – For use through your library.  A full catalog of e-books and audiobooks to get on loan from your library. We use this all the time.
NeoK-12  More worksheets and presentations on a variety of subjects.
NewsELA Distance Learning site made free for the remainder of 2020!
Project Guttenberg
Scholastic Book Flix – Scholastic has extended their free trial, just enough time to get to read most of their online library
Squiggle Park  – It’s prodigy for reading.
Storyline – Read along with the hosts
Wordville – Gets to the nitty-gritty of words and grammar fun and easy.


GoNoodleKids (for little ones)
Art for Kids Hub –  Art made easy.  Seriously easy art that even a parent can do.
*Hour of Code – Kids can code animated dance parties with current music
Scratch – Kids can create movies, music, and animations
Splash – Music creation app for Android and Mac.
Starfall – Has music subjects but also lessons for Language and Math geared for kids up to Grade 3.


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