Gross Potions – Available on Kindle Today

I had two resolutions for 2019. The first was to develop a dessert that would be the winter equivalent of ice cream.  Three weeks left in the month, and the warm mousse cone pops are still stuck in R&D. The second resolution, publish a book, check.  I focused more on publishing than desserts and discovered. I enjoy storytelling more than sweets.

We meet eight-year-old Ethan Gross on the day those who wanted magic lost their patience and stole the scientist who refused to make more – his Grandma. Two years later, he discovers she left a trail, and the rescue begins. The mission teams Ethan with his brother Gavin and his famous rock star Grandpa. They’ll also need Lizzie, a shapeshifting 12-year-old with the power to become anything but a teenager.

Ethan has one week to convince his family Grandma’s alive, find her formulas, travel three continents to collect the rarest ingredients without Mom finding out they’ve even left the country. The journey grows more dangerous when they learn they are being followed and studied. Not only do they risk ruining their summer but exposing the world to magic. 

The world may not be ready for new powers but the Gross family will need them to complete their mission and bring Grandma home.

I wrote a version of this a couple years ago, as an exercise with my kids as they were learning to read and write.  It was childish and not intended for public viewing, not that I didn’t give it a go.  The feedback was added drama is necessary.  I’ll write more in this series eventually since its backbone is family, travel, and food.

It’s free on kindle this weekend.  I may do a paperback version down the road, but right now, the clock is ticking on the dessert.


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